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5 Tools And WordPress Plugins You Can Use to Minify HTML

5 Tools You Can Use to Minify HTML

HTML minification involves removing unnecessary characters such as white spaces, comments, and new lines from the code without changing its functionality. There are several tools available that can minify HTML, including online tools and command-line tools.

Here are five HTML minification tools


    1. HTMLMinifier is a popular online tool that allows you to minify your HTML code by removing comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters. It also offers advanced options such as removing empty attributes and collapsing boolean attributes.

    1. Minify is a command-line tool that supports multiple file types, including HTML. It can be used to minify HTML code by removing comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters.

    1. HTML Compressor is another online tool that can minify your HTML code. It offers options such as removing comments, collapsing whitespace, and shortening attribute names.

    1. Online HTML Minifier is a simple tool that allows you to minify your HTML code by removing comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters. It also offers the option to prettify the minified code for easier reading.

    1. Grunt HTMLmin is a Grunt plugin that can be used to minify your HTML code. It supports options such as removing comments, collapsing whitespace, and removing redundant attributes. It can be integrated into your build process to automatically minify your HTML code.

Five HTML minifier plugins for WordPress


  1. WP Minify HTML is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to minify your HTML code by removing comments, whitespace, and other unnecessary characters. It also supports caching to improve performance.
  2. Fast Velocity Minify is a popular WordPress plugin that can minify your HTML code as well as your CSS and JavaScript files. It also supports caching, browser caching, and more.
  3. Autoptimize is another popular WordPress plugin that can minify your HTML code as well as your CSS and JavaScript files. It also supports advanced options such as lazy loading, image optimisation, and more.
  4. Better WordPress Minify is a free WordPress plugin that can minify your HTML code as well as your CSS and JavaScript files. It also supports advanced options such as combining files, browser caching, and more.
  5. Hummingbird is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that can improve the performance of your website by minifying your HTML code, as well as your CSS and JavaScript files. It also supports caching, Gzip compression, and more. However, it’s a premium plugin with a free trial.


This post is part of: Page Speed Optimisation: A Complete Guide — created by our Page Speed Optimisation Specialists.

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