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Google Ads Maximise Clicks Bidding Strategy Explained

Google Ads Maximise Clicks Bidding Strategy Explained

Maximize Clicks” stands as one bidding strategy within Google Ads automated bidding strategies. It allows businesses to amass the utmost quantity of clicks while following to their budget limits. This method skillfully adjusts bidding using historical data to help companies maximize their clicks. The outcome is a heightened influx of visitors, optimising traffic to the fullest extent achievable.

How the Maximise Clicks Strategy Works

Using Google Ads’ advanced machine learning, Maximise Clicks identifies prime moments and locations for engaging user ad displays. Through real-time bid adjustments, it gives businesses the ability to secure the maximum feasible click volume within their fiscal parameters.

This approach automatically sets bid values for every auction, carefully considering factors like ad quality, keyword competitiveness, and user intent. The outcome is a streamlined bidding procedure that not only saves time but also heightens campaign efficiency, encouraging more clicks and potential conversions. For example, consider a scenario where a business allocates £500 for advertising, aiming to amass clicks extensively. Here, Maximise Clicks adjusts bids to show ads to engaged users, even at a higher cost per click.

Pros and Cons of Maximise Clicks Bidding Strategy

Pros of Maximise Clicks Bidding:

  • Maximise Clicks helps businesses generate the maximum number of clicks within their budget.
  • It saves time by automatically adjusting bids in real-time.
  • It’s a good option for businesses that want to drive traffic to their website quickly.

Cons of Maximise Clicks Bidding:

  • Maximise Clicks lacks conversion and revenue focus, a downside for businesses seeking sales leads or e-commerce.
  • It’s not a good option for businesses that have a limited budget or want to control their costs.

When Should You Use Maximise Clicks Bidding?

Maximize Clicks emerges as a prime selection for enterprises seeking swift, substantial web traffic generation. Equally, it serves as a suitable choice for those entities without a fixed CPA or ROAS objective.

The triumvirate of Maximise Clicks, eCPC, and Manual CPC Bidding warrants primary attention as the inaugural bidding strategies to embrace. This approach gathers conversion data, a step toward adopting a conversion-focused or ROAS-oriented strategy.

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Comparing Maximise Clicks with Other Bidding Strategies

Maximise Conversions vs. Maximise Clicks

Maximize Conversions aims to attain the utmost volume of conversions within a specified budget. Maximise Clicks aims for the most clicks within a budget, which could lead to leads or sales. The focal point of both strategies is not oriented towards value or revenue optimization.

For businesses focused on getting more conversion volume, Maximise Conversions stands as a fitting choice. Meanwhile, Maximise Clicks serve as the optimal route for businesses seeking a rapid escalation of website traffic.

Learn more: Google Ads Maximise Conversions Bidding Strategy Explained

Maximise Clicks vs. Manual CPC

Maximize Clicks functions as an automated bidding approach, adjusting bids in real-time. In contrast, Manual CPC helps businesses to personally define bids for specific keywords, allowing manual adjustments on devices, regions, and target audiences.

Learn more: Manual CPC Bidding in Google Ads: A Comprehensive Guide

Maximise Clicks vs. Target Impression Share

Maximize Clicks aims to amass the highest click count within a predetermined budget, whereas Target Impression Share centres around optimising the allocation of ad impressions for a particular objective.

Note: An “impression” signifies the display of your ad, regardless of whether it was clicked. Impression Share denotes the portion of potential impressions that your campaign secured. For instance, if the keywords you bid on yielded 2,000 ad displays in a day, but your ads were visible only 1,000 times, your Impression Share would be 50%.

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For companies aiming to boost brand recognition, Target Impression Share emerges as a viable choice. Conversely, for businesses seeking swift website traffic escalation, Maximise Clicks presents a favourable option.

Learn more: Google Ads Target Impression Share Bidding Strategy

Setting up Maximise Clicks Bid Strategy Step-by-Step

To set up Maximise Clicks bidding strategy in Google Ads, follow these steps:

  1. In Google Ads, navigate to the campaign you want to edit.
  2. Click on the “Settings” tab.
  3. Scroll down to “Bidding” and click “Change bid strategy”.
  4. Select “Maximise Clicks” from the list of available strategies.
  5. Choose your daily budget for the campaign.
  6. Click “Save” to apply the Maximise Clicks bidding strategy to your campaign.
Maximise Clicks Bidding in Google Ads

Benefits of Using the Maximise Clicks Bidding Strategy

Increased Visibility and Clicks

The core objective of the Maximise Clicks bidding strategy is to augment the clicks garnered by your ads. By permitting Google’s algorithm to dynamically fine-tune your bids, your ads stand a better chance of being showcased in notable positions. This positioning enhancement often yields a heightened click-through rate (CTR). This increased visibility fosters amplified traffic flow, potentially translating into increased conversions.

Time Efficiency

The manual management of bids can prove to be a time-consuming task, particularly when handling a substantial array of keywords and advertisements. The Maximise Clicks strategy eliminates the need for constant bid changes, thereby liberating your time to concentrate on other important aspects of your campaign, including refining ad copy and enhancing landing pages.

Quick Campaign Setup

For advertisers who are new to Google Ads or prefer a streamlined method, the Maximise Clicks strategy provides a user-friendly setup process. The need for extensive refinement of keyword bids is minimized, rendering it an appealing choice for newcomers or individuals with restricted resources for campaign oversight.

Adapts to Changing Competition

Online advertising is fluid, marked by ever-shifting bid rivalries and search trends. The Maximise Clicks strategy harnesses current data to dynamically recalibrate bids according to auction competitiveness. This adaptability serves to uphold the competitiveness of your advertisements across diverse scenarios.

Optimal Use of Budget

Upon defining a daily budget, the Maximise Clicks strategy strives to amass the utmost number of clicks within that stipulated financial boundary. This attribute can hold particular appeal for enterprises seeking to optimise their digital prominence while prudently managing expenses.

Learning and Optimization

Progressively, Google’s algorithm acquires the discernment to identify clicks that hold a heightened likelihood of translating into consequential activities, like purchases or registrations. As the algorithm accrues data, it fine-tunes its bidding methodology to emphasize clicks bearing greater potential for conversion. This assimilative journey contributes to the augmentation of campaign efficacy over time.

Suitable for Awareness Campaigns

When the central objective of your campaign revolves around enhancing brand visibility or cultivating awareness, opting for the Maximise Clicks strategy can be a strategic decision. By stimulating an upsurge in clicks and views, this approach can magnify your brand’s prominence among pertinent audiences.

Yet, it’s crucial to acknowledge that while the Maximise Clicks bidding strategy presents multiple advantages, no single strategy universally fits all scenarios. Prior to implementing this strategy, prudent consideration of your campaign objectives, budget limitations, and target audience is advisable to ascertain its alignment with your broader advertising goals.

When to Avoid Maximise Clicks Bidding Strategy

Conversion-focused Campaigns

If your primary goal is to prompt distinct actions, such as purchases, sign-ups, or downloads, the Maximise Clicks strategy might not be the most suitable option. While it excels in generating clicks, it doesn’t prioritize conversions. In such instances, strategies like “Target CPA” or “Target ROAS” might prove more efficacious. These strategies align bids with your desired cost per acquisition or return on ad spend, enhancing their suitability for your objectives.

Limited Budget Control

The intent behind the Maximise Clicks strategy is to utilize your daily budget optimally for achieving maximum clicks, which could result in swift expenditure during the initial hours. In scenarios where you require greater influence over your budget’s allocation throughout the day or wish to avert swift depletion, alternative bidding approaches like “Enhanced CPC” could align better with your preferences.

Highly Competitive Keywords

In sectors characterized by intensely competitive keywords or niches, embracing the Maximise Clicks strategy could potentially yield elevated costs per click (CPC) without commensurate growth in meaningful clicks. In such instances, directing attention towards strategies that fine-tune for conversion value or distinct actions becomes prudent. This approach guarantees a more judicious utilization of your budget.

Brand Safety Concerns

In situations where stringent oversight is desired over the locations where your ads are displayed for brand security, the Maximise Clicks strategy might fall short of the control you require. Alternative strategies such as “Target Placement” or manual bidding may deliver heightened command over ad placements, catering to your need for precision.

Niche Audiences

When your focus centres on an exceptionally precise and specialized audience, the Maximise Clicks strategy may elicit clicks from users less relevant to your objectives, potentially resulting in diminished conversion rates. Strategies for bidding that permit enhanced accuracy in targeting and governance, such as “Target Audience,” could be more fitting for such scenarios.

Campaigns with Long Sales Cycles

In situations where your offerings entail an extended sales cycle demanding multiple touchpoints prior to conversion, relying solely on clicks might prove inadequate. Approaches that encompass the entire customer journey, such as “Target ROAS” or “Target CPA,” are better equipped to factor in the worth of each click concerning the ultimate conversion outcome.

Complex Product or Service Offerings

In instances where your products or services are intricate and demand elucidation or education, the Maximise Clicks strategy might allure users primarily seeking information, with a lower propensity for conversion. Bidding strategies that underscore engagement and interaction, like “Target Impression Share,” could prove more fitting for such scenarios.


Maximise Clicks stands as a perfect bidding strategy for enterprises aiming to swiftly boost website traffic. It presents a beneficial avenue for businesses without predefined CPA or ROAS objectives and for those desiring time-saving measures by leveraging Google Ads’ automated bid adjustments.

This post is part of the Google Bidding Strategies Guide — created by our Google Ads Agency Team

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Mark,

    Thank you for this great post! I would like to ask you a question…

    Everyone says that when you start a new campaign in a new account you should use Maximize Clicks and only after some conversions (50) change the bidding strategy to Maximize Conversions.

    Does that still applies in 2024?

    What are your thoughts on that?

    thank you!

    1. Maximize clicks is a good way to start to get traffic and conversion data, so yes, generally speaking, Max Clicks is the right place to start. I’m not sure I agree with “50” conversions though. More data is better for machine learning to learn, absolutely, and the more data you have the better/faster it will learn. I’d usually recommend a minimum of 15 conversions in a 30 day period, but ideally 30 or more in a 30 day period.

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