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Simple SEO Techniques to Increase Traffic

Which keywords?  What is a H1 tag?  What is a sitemap?

In this SEO-focused T-Time chat, SEO Specialist Adam Futer answers some frequently asked SEO technique questions on picking the right keywords, heading tag techniques and the importance of a sitemap to your website.  The much sought after answers, along with some simple SEO techniques to increase traffic, are summarised below. However for greater detail, advice and SEO specialist tips don’t miss the video.

Which keywords should I be targeting for my SEO Campaign?

Choose battles that you can win by picking keywords that have high intent and relevance to your business.  It is also advisable to opt for keywords that have a reasonable level of traffic on them as well as your site having some ranking for them already.

Time Stamp: Which SEO Keywords

What are heading tags and which ones should I have?

The H1 tag is the heading of the page which gives Google an insight into what the page is about.  The golden rule for heading tags is that if it doesn’t make sense to you it will not make sense to Google, and you could get potentially penalised for this.  So avoid content duplication by using only one H1 tag per page.

Time stamp: What are H1 Tags

What is a sitemap and why do I need one?

There are two variations of a sitemap.  The HTML sitemap is a table of contents primarily for human visitors to show them what pages are included in the website.  The XML sitemap is however for Google’s eyes.  With and XML sitemap you are telling Google which pages to index making them easily discoverable when your keywords are searched.

Time stamp: What is a sitemap

Do you still have unanswered questions or comments regarding SEO techniques?  

Is there a subject you would like to learn about from our Tillison T-Time chats?  Comment below and we’ll do our best to answer in a future show.

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