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7 Tips for Making Your Email Marketing Campaign More Effective

Email Marketing Campaign - Tillison Consulting

Email campaigns are still widely used in marketing strategies – this can make your position as a marketer harder, since you need to find a way to stand out so that your email doesn’t end up being immediately deleted. Milkshake and Mailchimp are excellent tools for small business owners because they allow you to create, manage, and send email campaigns.

With the right approach, your email marketing campaign will get the recipients to take action, engage with your business, and help you get more leads and sales. But how do you achieve that? The following tips are perfect tools for building customer relationships and getting to the ultimate goal.

Start with a Personal Hello

If you want to show that you care, then the most important thing is to know your customer’s name. It is more likely that the readers will be intrigued to open the email and inquire about your services if you refer to them directly. In that way, you project that your business cares about each potential customer and takes the time to personalise the content.

You can use email tools that allow you to enter shortcodes that will be replaced with the recipient’s name when the email is sent out – this method will save you time and get the job done. However, if your business works with multiple industries, consider sending out personalised versions of your email so that each one provides information specific to each industry.

Adopt a friendly introduction and it will increase the likelihood that the recipient keeps reading.

Incentivise Customers to Review Their Purchases

Products with verified purchase reviews sell better than those with no reviews at all. In the digital world of business, people tend to rely on reviews when deciding about the purchase.

That is why it is not enough just to get the users to buy your service or product, you need to ensure that they leave a review as well.

The challenge is that a lot of people don’t want to take the time to get back to the site and share their opinion – this is where your eCommerce marketing strategy needs to step in and take the lead.

Why not motivate your customers to leave a review by offering them an entry into a prize draw if they take the time to review their latest purchase? Drawn by the opportunity to win a free, useful item, your customers will have a good reason to spare a few minutes and leave a positive review.

Not to mention that offering a prize will reflect your business’s generosity and carry a positive connotation in the customers’ minds.

Reward Your Most Loyal Customers

Customers who regularly place orders are the ones you should always cherish – they don’t hesitate to invest a certain amount of time and money into your product or service and you need to show that you appreciate that.

Don’t forget that their importance is not just in increasing sales, but they can also help you to spread a good word about your business and bring in new customers as well.

Offering the occasional discount code to the most loyal customers is the best way to improve retention, but don’t offer something with every single email – it may harm your brand’s credibility. Also try to keep it varied so that discounts remain a nice surprise rather than something which is expected.

Make It Seasonal to Show You’re Human

Emails that seem to be created by autoresponders virtually always end up in the bin – by differentiating your email marketing campaigns from generated responses and personalising them, you can avoid this step.

Creating emotional value by supporting holidays with seasonal content will give off the feeling that you consider your customers to be a part of your family. Just think about it – who doesn’t want to feel appreciated when the holiday season is around the corner?

By offering seasonal content for Easter, Christmas, or anything else you feel like, you can engage customers and offer value they can’t find anywhere else.

Take UpWork as an example – This past Labour Day, the company sent out an email campaign featuring three videos profiling companies and freelancers who use UpWork. On the annual celebration of the achievements of workers, the stories served as great morale boosters.

Email Marketing Campaign - Tillison Consulting

Keep Your Subject Lines Short and Sweet

When subject lines exceed 7 words readers quickly switch off and assume they’ve received more spam. Besides that, readers tend to lose focus when the subject line is too long and tiring. You need to get straight to the point and grab their attention!

Keep subject lines short and sweet at 3-5 words and use the odd number to catch the eye if possible. Speak to the readers directly and without hesitation, giving them just enough to spark their imagination but not revealing it all so that they still need to open the email in order to find out what you have to offer.

Brands have realised the importance of an enticing subject line which made them experiment with new captivating techniques – you may have noticed that more brands are sending out emojis in the subject lines. According to Campaign Monitor, brands that use emojis in their subject lines have seen an increase in open rates of 45%.

However, if you opt for this tactic, just make sure that you don’t overdo it. Use emojis when appropriate, or you will present your brand as unprofessional.

Friendly and Conversational is Better Than Pushy and Sales-Orientated

No one likes a sales email, but lots of people like to hear from their friends. Take a friendly approach and try to compose the email in a way that seems like it comes from a personal friend rather than a sales company.

Readers can get tired of samey-looking promotional emails and will automatically skip them or delete them. Present yourself as their personal advisor, a friend who wants to share with them a great experience.

To achieve this, pay extra attention to the word choice and how you form your sentences.Use a friendly tone and you’ll find that engagement for your email marketing campaign will be much higher.

If you are uncertain about creating friendly content, you can even resort to some editing or writing services – take your time and inquire about top editing services. Quality content will certainly get you to the desired results.

Segmented Lists Allow You to Focus on Key Demographics

The best campaigns are those that give people what they want. It is hard to appeal to a different audience if you use the same exact approach.

After verifying and validating the addresses, split up your email list into key interest groups and you’ll be able to target specific demographics. You can gather the data from Google Analytics and from social media profiles through tools like Facebook Insights.

After you identify the key points of differentiation between your audience groups, split them up accordingly and send out emails which are crafted to each group specifically.

Knowing who your customers are and what they like is always a good starting point when launching an email marketing campaign.

Email Marketing Campaign - Tillison Consulting

These tips will help you organise your email marketing campaign and turn it in the right direction. However, you may still need to adjust the methods according to your business and the services that you offer. Quality demands dedication and adjustment, and implementing the above-mentioned methods is a good place to start.

Choose the Right Platform

There are a number of email marketing tools available. You should take care to pick the right platform for your business and the size of your email list. You might also consider whether you need your email platform to integrate with your CRM system too.

Take a look at ActiveCampaign for email marketing, it’s a swift, yet powerful tool which offers a robust CRM for all of your segmentation.

Keep these steps in mind and don’t forget that a successful marketing campaign is a process that requires time and attention.

Author bio:

Daniela McVicker is a passionate digital marketer, interested in everything related to SEO and blogging. She collaborates with Grab My Essay and Trust My Paper where she shares her experience and helps marketers make their name in the online world.

2 Responses

  1. Email marketing is a very big platform for online marketing. But for this, We should know great tips about email marketing. Thanks for this post-Gustavo Woltmann

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