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How to Set Up Bing Ads Conversion Tracking

What is Conversion Tracking?

Firstly it’s worth explaining exactly what Conversion Tracking is. Conversion Tracking is basically where you use a small snippet of code to track which of your keywords are bringing you in sales.

For example, if in my campaign someone clicks on my ad for “cheap shoes”, then makes a purchase from that click, Bing will attribute the conversion to my “cheap shoes” keyword when conversion tracking is up and running.

Why do I Need Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking is vital for your Bing Ads Management as you need to see which keyword areas are bringing you in sales/leads, and which are wasting money, so that your campaigns can perform as best as they possibly can.

How does Bing Conversion Tracking Differ to AdWords?

Bing Ads Conversion Tracking is different to the AdWords model. The key difference is with AdWords you paste the conversion code ONLY on the page you want to track as a conversion, however with Bing you paste the code on EVERY page of the site and create goals on the pages you want to track as conversions (the same as you would with analytics).

How to Setup Bing Ads Conversion Tracking

To setup Bing Ads Conversion Tracking follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Bing Ads account
  2. Click “shared library”
  3. Click “view goals and conversions”
  4. Choose your goal, i.e “confirmation page”
  5. Select the trigger where you want it to show, i.e the destination url of /thanks
  6. Create your tag i.e “thank you pages”
  7. Place this tag on all pages of the website
  8. You are now set up.

You can also use this existing tag for numerous forms if there are more than 1 on the site, but obviously you need a different one for each action, i.e contact forms and purchase confirmation.

I hope you found this article useful, I know it can look confusing, especially when you are setting up Bing Ads for the first time!

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