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Your Guide to Google Dynamic Search Ads

This brief article looks to explore the recent Dynamic Search Ad developments in Pay Per Click.

What are Dynamic Search Ads?

In simple terms, Dynamic Search Ads automatically create and display your ad based on the content of your website.  Google crawls your website and creates ads based on the type of product you sell. You don’t have to choose your own keywords or create an ad for each product page of the site. They are automatically generated.

Here’s how to set up Dynamic Search Ads in Google Ads

To begin, initiate the process by establishing a fresh campaign and selecting your marketing objective.

Dynamic Search Ads campaigns support all campaign objectives compatible with search in Google Ads. These goals include:

1. Sales
2. Leads
3. Website Traffic
4. Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance

When creating a campaign without a specified goal, proceed to select the search network and complete the configuration of your campaign-level settings.

However, it’s important to note a peculiar aspect of the setup process. The guided setup lacks the option to create elements related to Dynamic Search Ads, such as URLs and ad groups.

Continue through the remaining steps of the campaign setup, refrain from adding keywords or ads, and proceed to click “Next” to publish your campaign.

If you get an alert that says you cannot publish the campaign with those mistakes, just click publish the campaign anyway

After publishing the campaign, navigate to the Settings tab, click on Additional Options, locate the Dynamic Search Ads Settings section, and input your URL while selecting your preferred targeting options.

Before you can start running Dynamic Search Ads, there’s one more step. Technically, DSA controls are managed at the Ad Group level. The initial Ad Group created upon publishing is set as Standard, and you have the choice to either keep it or delete it.

You will have to change the first setting from standard Dynamic before you can run Dynamic Search ads.

That’s how you set up Dynamic search ads.

 What are the Advantages of Dynamic Search Ads?:

  • Low Maintenance – Google’s search index does all the work
  • Very specific ads – Google shows the headline with their search query and the best page on the site
  • You can control which areas of your website you target so you can test how effectively it will work
  • Dynamic search ads allow you to get the traffic you may miss from your normal keyword list

What are the Disadvantages of Dynamic Search Ads?:

  • There is potential for this to match keywords you don’t really want to show for, i.e “second-hand fancy dress costumes”
  • You are also relying on Google to show the most relevant landing page/ad. It should work although there is always a risk as it’s not entirely in your control

How Do Dynamic Search Ads Work?

1. Automated Targeting:

  • Dynamic Indexing: Instead of selecting specific keywords, advertisers allow the advertising platform to dynamically generate ad headlines and landing pages based on the content of their website. This is done through a process called dynamic indexing, where the platform continually scans and indexes the content on your site.

2. Ad Creation:

  • Automated Headlines: The ad platform automatically generates ad headlines based on the search terms a user enters, aiming to match the user’s search intent with the content on your website.
  • Landing Page Selection: The system dynamically selects relevant landing pages from your website that align with the user’s search query.

3. Matching User Queries:

  • Real-time Matching: When a user enters a search query, the system dynamically matches it to the content on your website. If there’s a match, it triggers the display of your dynamic ad.

4. Display and Bidding:

  • Ad Display: Your dynamically generated ad is displayed in the search results just like traditional text ads.
  • Automated Bidding: The bidding process is often automated, with the advertising platform determining the bid based on factors like the likelihood of a conversion.

What are the benefits of Dynamic Search Ads?

  • Broader Reach: DSAs help advertisers reach a broader audience by automatically targeting relevant searches that may not have been anticipated when setting up traditional keyword-based campaigns.
  • Time Savings: They save time on keyword research and ad creation since the system automates much of the process.
  • Adaptability: DSAs adapt to changes on your website, ensuring that your ads stay relevant as your content evolves.
  • Monitoring and Optimisation: Regular Monitoring: While DSAs automate many aspects, it’s essential to regularly monitor their performance to ensure they align with your advertising goals. Negative Keywords: Adding negative keywords can help refine the targeting and prevent ads from showing for irrelevant searches.

Dynamic Search Ads vs. Traditional Search Ads

Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) and Traditional Search Ads are two different approaches to online advertising, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Here’s a comparison between Dynamic Search Ads and Traditional Search Ads:

Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs):

1. Automated Targeting:

  • Dynamic Indexing: DSAs use dynamic indexing to scan and index the content of your website. Ad headlines and landing pages are then dynamically generated based on users’ search queries.

2. Ad Creation:

  • Automated Ad Content: The ad platform automatically generates ad headlines and selects landing pages based on the user’s search terms and the content of your website.

3. Targeting:

  • Broad Targeting: DSAs target a broader range of searches, allowing advertisers to capture traffic that might not have been covered by traditional keyword targeting.

4. Management Complexity:

  • Simpler Management: DSAs can be simpler to manage than Traditional Search Ads since they automate much of the ad creation process.

5. Adaptability:

  • Adapts to Website Changes: DSAs adapt to changes on your website, ensuring that your ads stay relevant as your content evolves.


  • Time-Saving: DSAs save time on keyword research and ad creation.
  • Broader Reach: They help reach a broader audience by dynamically targeting relevant searches.

Traditional Search Ads:

1. Manual Targeting:

  • Keyword Selection: Advertisers manually select specific keywords relevant to their products or services.

2. Ad Creation:

  • Manual Ad Copy: Advertisers create ad headlines and copy based on the selected keywords, allowing for precise control over the ad’s messaging.

3. Targeting:

  • Precise Targeting: Traditional Search Ads allow for more precise targeting based on manually selected keywords. Advertisers have control over which searches trigger their ads.

4. Management Complexity:

  • Requires Ongoing Management: Traditional Search Ads require ongoing management and optimization of keyword lists, bids, and ad copy.

5. Adaptability:

  • Manual Adaptation: Advertisers need to manually adapt their ad campaigns to changes in their product offerings or business focus.


  • Control: Advertisers have more control over the specific keywords, ad creatives, and targeting parameters.
  • Fine-Tuned Optimisation: Allows for fine-tuned optimization based on performance data.

Choosing Between DSAs and Traditional Search Ads:

  • Consideration of Website Content: DSAs are beneficial for websites with dynamic or frequently changing content, while Traditional Search Ads offer more control for businesses with specific products or services.
  • Time and Resource Constraints: DSAs may be preferable for businesses with limited time for manual campaign management, while advertisers who prefer more control may opt for Traditional Search Ads.
  • Campaign Goals: The choice between DSAs and Traditional Search Ads should align with the advertiser’s specific campaign goals, whether that’s broad reach, time efficiency, or precise control over targeting.


I think Dynamic Search Ads could be a good thing as you can easily match relevant ads but as they are a new thing we need to see how specific Google are in what they are matching you for. I suppose only time will tell and for that. There will be another blog post, so keep checking back.

For more on Dynamic Search Ads see: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/3249700?hl=en&ref_topic=3119126

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One Response

  1. I use the dynamic campaigns to generate traffic from generic keywords on one of my big accounts in different countries.I disable keywords Brand and analyze all the generic ones, the best performing keywords I export in the classic KW campaign…
    Remeber:Google chooses its own keywords and landing pages, but you can add negative keyword, negative argoment or negative URL parameter, is very usefull!

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